How to Find Mental Health & Addiction Services in North Simcoe Muskoka
To begin, follow the steps below to find services to meet your needs. Not sure what kind of help you are looking for? Call the 24/7 helpline 2-1-1 and a Community Navigator will be happy to help you.
Option 1: Are you in Crisis?
Do you need to talk to someone right now? Call the Mental Health Crisis Line at 705-728-5044 or 1-888-893-8333.
Option 2: Contact your Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner
Some Family Doctors have their own mental health and addiction counsellors at their Family Health Team. Ask your doctor if they are a member of a Family Health Team.
If you do not have a Family Doctor, click here to access Health Care Connect.
Option 3: Counselling Session
If you feel you just need to talk to someone, free, single session walk-in counselling is available throughout the region. No appointments are needed. Click on the calendar tab below or search the directory to find available locations, dates and times.

Option 4: Search our Directory
This directory includes government funded agencies that provide mental health & addiction services. We have 3 different mini-directories to help you find what you need. Select the appropriate tab below to get started...